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Zephyr is inspired by my childhood morning routine of sleeping in until the last possible second until my mom – whose patience was wearing incredibly thin – would warn us that if we didn’t wake up, she’d throw a bucket of water on us. She never did, of course, but the dread of being doused in freezing cold water was alarming enough to promptly get us out of bed. However, the temptation to continue sleeping through all my alarms – no matter how jarring – persists. I’ve realised though, that external stimulants – like my mom’s warnings – can in fact, be extremely effective.


Working towards a gentler, more soothing stimulant, I gravitated towards activating our sense of smell to help bring us out of sleep. Our sense of smell is an important, and often disregarded, factor in having a good night’s sleep and aromatherapy is often used to ensure both a restful night, and a refreshing start in the morning. This project utilises our sense of smell and essential oils, to bring the user out of sleep in a serene manner.

Programs & Materials Used: Arduino IDE, Arduino BLE Sense, LDRs, Servos, Paper, Cardboard and Essential Oils.


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Triggered by your first alarm, the machine is activated – opening up the container of essential oils, and starting up the fan that disperses the scent around your space. This fanning action continues until the user has awoken, and has drawn their blinds, thus letting in the sunlight necessary to halt movement, and reset the machine. In using scents, a calming environment is created which in turn can boost our energy and mood

Process & Development

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Fritzing Circuit Diagram
Process Images
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