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Great(er) Expectations is a wearable installation that explores the societal expectations that are placed on women, which often start from their childhoods and which they are made to carry throughout the course of their lives. The project aims to portray these struggles - specifically the notions of being trapped under these expectations of womanhood – through the wearable that almost acts as a physical manifestation of the internal, and often intangible, emotional and psychological weight that these expectations exert. Investigating this through a feminist lens, using textiles (a medium or craft that is typically undertaken by women) as the key tool through which these expectations can be transcribed, we hope that this work can serve as a method to not only spread awareness, but to also subvert these expectations.

This project has three key components: the skeleton, the fabrics, and the LCD screen. Through these elements, Great(er) Expectations aims to shed awareness on the experiences that women face, the mental and emotional exhaustion that comes from these expectations, as well as to critique the society that has fostered these patriarchal and misogynistic norms.


This was a collaborative project.


Team Members: Winter Yan

Programs & Materials Used: Rhino 3D, Adobe Illustrator, Laser Cutting, Copper Wire, Wooden Dowels, Arduino IDE, Arduino BLE Sense, LCD Screen, Scrap Fabric. 




More details coming soon....

The fabrics that were hung onto the structure:

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